Following sub-topics may be helpful for writing foreign policy, making speeches in general debate and starting moderated causcuses.
1. Shifting to renewable resources for power production (viz: wind & solar energy)
2. Environment tax on fossil fuel
3. Strict targets to be set for developing countries which emmit large amount of CO2 and other gases causing Global Warming.
4. Mandetory use of part of agruculture land for tree plantation.
5. Increasing the contributions to the Environment Funds
6. Introduction of clean public transport (Electricity based Metro Train network)
7. Addressing the issues specific to small island nations and nations with low lying coastal region in relation to mitigation of Climate Change.
8. Cost of mitigation of Climate Change to the developing economy and fossil fuel exporting economy due to reliance on fossil fuel.
9. Issue of big nations ratifying the Kyoto Protocol, before setting targets for future after 2012.
10. Educating public, especially school going children about Climate Change.
11. Changing weather pattern, Desertification and it's influence on people.
12. Climate Change migrants
These sub topics should give you ideas to find more related such sub-topics.
All the best!!!