A caucus is an informal meeting. A motion to caucus is in order at any time when the floor is open. The delegate making the motion must briefly explain its purpose and suggest the duration of the caucus, not to exceed fifteen minutes. The motion, unless ruled out by the Chair (such a ruling cannot be appealed), will be put to an immediate vote and a majority of member voting and present is necessary for its passage.
Moderated Caucus
The purpose of moderated caucus is to facilitate substantive debate at critical junctures in the discussion. A motion for a moderated caucus may be ruled out of order and like an unmoderated caucus, such a ruling would be unappeasable. However, if it is ruled in order, it is put to a vote and follows the same procedure as in ordinary caucus. During a Moderated Caucus, the Moderator will temporarily suspend the Speaker's List and call on delegates to speak at his/her own discretion. Speaking time any first be assigned by the Moderator, and is subject to change upon a simple procedural vote.
Unmoderated Caucus
Unmoderated Caucus is usually held for peprose of forming draft resolutions. After lot of discussion has been held on any agenda item and all issues have been debated upon, the motion for unmoderated caucus may be proposed. Unless ruled out of order this motion will be immidiately put to vote and upon majority vote this motion will be order. During unmoderated caucus, delgates may leave their seats and gather in groups to discuss and form resolutions for the agenda descussed.
Submission of Resolution on an Agenda Item
Resolution, while produced by individual states or groups of states, are proposals of basic policy of the UNEP. They form the basis of discussion during Substantive Debate on agenda items. Thus, specific guidelines must be followed as to their form, time of submission, nature of distribution, and type of considerations.
Resolutions are drafted by UNEP-GC members and should be typed or legibly printed or handwritten for submission to the Chair. The Chair shall specify the time during which resolutions are to be accepted on a given agenda item. Normally, resolutions are accepted from the beginning of General Debate till the closure of the debate. Resolutions will be submitted to the Chair, who will check them for proper form. If accepted, the resolution will be numbered and sent to be typed and duplicated. The resolutions will be distributed before substantive debate, at which time they will be formally introduced. Duplication by delegates for official distribution will not be permitted.