Monday, August 17, 2009

The Conference...

The Conference is finally over! We are proud to say it was a great success.
It was within school Conference where 40 student delegates from classes 9 to 12 represented various member states of UNEP – GC. The weighty responsibility of bring Secretary General of the UN was carried out ably by Samarth Singh of class XII and he was complemented well by the Chairman of UNEP – GC for this Conference Swapnil Shukla of class XI.
The student delegates showed lot of enthusiasm and a high level of research and understanding of international issues. Delegates drafted comprehensive foreign policies, gave balanced speeches on the issues in their respective countries related to Climate Change and spoke about the success stories of the implemented plans by the respective countries, they caucused to get support for the similar issues faced by other nations like them, they debated the viability of majors suggested by other nations, they raised finely articulated points of information and timely points of order. Overall this Conference saw a very high level debating on the agenda of “Future after Kyoto Protocol”. There were Moderated Caucuses on issues like “Rising Sea Levels and its effect on small island developing economies”, “shift from fossil fuel to alternative sources of energy”, “Use of Financial Instruments to fight Climate Change”, “Desertification and its influence on the desert dwellers” and so on. These Moderated Caucuses came out of the speeches made by delegates on the main agenda and they eventually paved the path to the Draft Resolutions. In between the debates an emergency situation was announced and the Secretary General asked the committee to suspend the business to resolve the emergency. The emergency was about an ecological catastrophe caused by leakage of deadly chemicals in river Mekong and eventual reactions by various governments to this situation. The delegates discussed the situation and made statements about the emergency, eventually the emergency was resolved by consensus and a single comprehensive Presidential Statement was issued which was passed by the council.
After the emergency was resolved the council went back to discussing the main agenda and more speeches were made, more Moderated Caucuses were proposed and eventually when the Executive Board felt that all the related issues were discussed, an Unmoderated Caucus was proposed to draft a resolution on the agenda of “Future after Kyoto Protocol”. After serious debating and horse trading, tooth & nail bargaining two draft resolutions emerged out of the Unmoderated Caucus. Both the draft resolutions were comprehensive and could be used by UNEP as they are. The resolutions included appeals to developing world to take emission cuts, encouraging nations to introduce Rapid Transport Systems using non-conventional clean energy, shift towards green economics, capacity building to fight Climate Change and such practical majors, which can be understood by all and easy for all to implement. Eventually both the Draft Resolutions were put to vote and one of them became the adopted resolution of the LAMUN 2009. As our Secretary General mentioned eventually in his closing remarks, this was a successful parliament.
In a dignified and well organized Closing Ceremony 4 Best Delegate and 3 Worthy Mention awards were declared; Secretary General and Chairman also were given special certificates and tokens of appreciation from the school. The chief guests for this ceremony were Dr. Y K Jaiswal, a renowned Microbiologist from Jiwaji University; Mr. Sudhir Sapra, Principal of Vasant Vidyaniketan and social activist working with NGO SAJAG; Mr. Badi Yaganagi, Administrator of Rabbani School in Susera Kothi. The Chief Guests were highly impressed by the students performance and wished to see this Conference being held at national level in near future.